Friday, March 19, 2010

This Spells Trouble....

I am SO excited! It is less than 3 weeks away until my good friends Jessica and Cilla and I venture off to Cancun SITC style. I know it is going to be a blast because between Jessica living so far away in Chicago and Cilla being perpetually lost behind a stack of K-1s in Dallas, it will be a rare time for all of us to really get to spend quality time together!

Cancun really won't be an MTV style event for us girls, and here are some reasons why:

1) We are all anal accountants
2) We all like to have a good time, but none of us really has a wild side
3) We are all over the age of 25
4) We are all taking this trip to get away from crappy busy seasons, so all we want to do is relax
5) Did I mention that Jessica can't drink more than a couple of sips of alcohol? lol
6) We are all paranoid about safety and cleanliness

To expand on #6 some more, Cilla and I had a funny conversation that would only happen between two type A accountants over the age of 25. We were talking about whether or not we wanted to venture out to the downtown bar scene. We immediately agreed that we had no desire for crazy spring break style adventures. We were also talking about our safety in general while over there in light of all of the recent things that have been happening, especially kidnappings. Knowing full well from other experiences with Cilla and traveling with some of my other friends, there was one thing I knew for sure: a group of cute asian girls stick out like a sore thumb in non eastern countries. Cilla and I were both thinking the same thing.....

me: "and also yeah i am concerned about safety....esp since we are three cute asian girls together, some how i feel like that is going to spell trouble"

Cilla: "yeah, and let's be honest, we don't look cheap -- that sounds weird but you know what i mean"

me: "yeah! that is definitely along the lines of what i had in mind yeah i know we look like good ransom money for kidnappers haha"

Cilla: precisely

So, you can expect to see us drunk on the beach by our hotel, or hopping from hotel lobby to hotel lobby along the strip....meeting other eccentric tourists. You can expect to see a hungover fun boby at breakfast and crazy stories about the weird goop they used on our faces at the spa, but there won't be an Girls Gone Wild moments for this trio of friends!

I know these predictions about Cancun might seem disappointing for you, my readers, but you must remember that I WILL come back with stories. The great thing about Fun Bobby is that I find the oddest/craziest experiences in sometimes the most unexpected I create the fun wherever I am.....and you just simply can't plan for those kinds of nights :)

3 more weeks!! Can't wait!!

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