Monday, October 19, 2009

Public Health Notice: I will NOT be making out with anyone random this flu season

And also, how to survive a party during flu season

The air is getting cooler, the leaves are changing, and it smells like chimney fires outside.....all signs that the holidays are fast approaching! The change in weather also means that some of the most annoying germs will be in the air ready to spread their version of holiday cheer! Every year October initiates my annual three month strict health regimen during which I become quite obsessive about avoiding those pesky cold and flu germs so that they do not get in the way of any of my holiday soiree plans. With Christmas parties and New Years, December is the most critical month to not get sick. It would be devastating to let a silly virus ruin holiday party season! I do not want to look like Rudolph while standing under the mistletoe or counting down to midnight.

This flu season proves to be the most challenging yet. With the new H1N1 scare, I am faced with extra unpredictable risk. Because of this, after much thought and deliberation, I have decided that I must update my health regimen. I have decided that I am not making out with any random guys at bars this year! Sorry guys, I know you will miss out on some good stories. I am a little bummed myself, there could be some keepers out there. But, I feel that this will be a very important precaution for my health. And in the end, the most important thing is that I make it to ALL of my holiday parties!! Boys, aside.

I've also compiled a list of some suggestions to avoid germs while at parties (because let's face it, germs are the last thing on your mind when you are having the bubbly):

- Do not make out with someone you are not dating, especially someone you just met
- Wash your hands as often as you can or use utensils/napkins to eat your food so that you do not touch it (usually holiday parties have food and you are also shaking a lot of people's hands)
- Do not share drinks (unless it's a really good drink ;) )
- No bobbing for apples
-Do not pick up random drinks and drink out of them
- Do not pick up half eaten food (it gets really hard the drunker you are) and eat it
- Shot blocks probably aren't a good idea
- Do not drink straight from the bottle, unless you plan on finishing it yourself
- Do not get so drunk that you find yourself passed out outside in the cold
- In case of emergency, use a little bit of alcohol (no mixers) to sanitize your hands

You might find some of these suggestions comical. But stranger things have happened on a drunken night.

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