Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Monday Night Grocery Shopping Is Like MNF For Single People

So I've been wondering where all the normal, single people exist in Dallas (you know, the ones that hold steady jobs, don't have mental problems, and actually are reasonably attractive), and I think I might have found a place where they congregate. The grocery store on Monday night. Why haven't I thought of this before??? Probably because Monday nights have been previously reserved for some of my girliest rituals: power yoga and Gossip Girl. I have been single for so long that I have been stuck in girl world, missing out on all of these opportunities at the grocery stores! Screw double coupon days, now there are even better deals at the grocery store!

This all happened by accident (or shall we say fate?), but one weekend I went out of town and ran out of time to go to the grocery store that Sunday like I normally would. The next night I went instead; and voila, men in suits, button ups, and gym clothes galore! On top of that they were BY THEMSELVES with no ring! These looked like lonely, responsible men who actually cook every once in a while and take care of themselves! I was floored.

Now, I haven't actually met anyone at the grocery store exactly yet, but I feel like I am already increasing my chances of finding a decent guy out there. You never know who you are going to find in the frozen pizza aisle. ;) Bye bye married people on Sundays, Monday night is the NEW Sunday in grocery land!

Where are some places you think are good for finding single people?


  1. JEN THIS IS HILARIOUS! I went to Central Market on Monday with my roommate and we thought THE SAME THING as you are writing here! I know that the Kroger by Mockingbird Square is a "pick up" according to my grandma. But, at Central Market, we saw this guy that was REALLY cute. The back of his hair wasn't great, but as I told my roommate "those things can be fixed". I think most guys there on Monday nights are single for sure. Strolling around their carts, trying to make sense of fruits and vegetables.

  2. I too stumbled into grocery shopping on Monday by accident (I was outta town this past weekend). I saw soooo many single attractive men! And the best part, I didn't see any single women. I have to agree that this is a great spot to meet guys.
