Hello. So I realize I've been MIA for a while.....let's just say a lot has changed since my last post in July. I'm sure most of the people who read this blog already know, but if there is anyone out there who doesn't, I am moving to London in roughly ONE WEEK. Yes, the United Kingdom...where I hear people drink more than eat and bars stay open until 4am...which during the summertime I think is also when the sun rises. Who knows what adventures await me across the pond! It will be a big life change, but I am ready for it. Don't worry though, I will be keeping you updated on my adventures and crazy encounters along the way....and since I'm so far, I hope to be updating a lot more than I have been in 2010!
While London is a very exciting destination, I know I am leaving a place that truly has some of the best people in the world. I am so fortunate to have the best group of friends a girl could hope for, and it is very hard to leave the group. However, I know that we will still remain close and visit one another because these are friendships worth crossing oceans for!
My bffs all got together to give me a going away party at Bar Belmont, where there is a beautiful view of the downtown skyline. They also have drinks like the Southern Belle and TreeTini that were quite enjoyable. :) It was a truly great night just to be in one another's company one last time for a while and like all nights together, it was memorable one, but not the last!

I really would not have had some of the best times of my life if it were not for these girls, and Fun Bobby definitely would not exist without them! Thanks for being so great, all of you! :)
As I look onward to London, I can't help but look back to the last time I made a big move and the friends that I met then, that led me to today :)
Three years ago I moved to Dallas to start my first fulltime job. At my first day of work in orientation, I was one of the few tax people in a room full of auditors. At one point, I sat down next to one of the few people I knew, Kristin, at a table full of audit girls I had never met. The girl next to me was Mitzi.....and some how (I forget) this led me here..... (circa 2007)

I'm so thankful the audit girls included the one tax girl at their happy hours!! There have been many parties, hair cuts, jobs, weddings, laughter, inside jokes, and girls dinners. These have definitely been the best three years!!