Hello. My name is Fun Bobby. It's pointless to tell you my real name because it is meaningless. Fun Bobby explains everything you need to know about me, and I'll explain why in a second. I am starting my fourth attempt at writing a blog (there are several skeleton blogs of mine floating out there somewhere in cyber space). I'm starting this blog for several reasons. 1) I have a lot to say and since I would like to keep my friendships and not bore my friends to death, it's better to write it all out here so that you can just close this window any time you get tired of me 2) I have heard of many blogs turning into books, movies, etc. and I figure this is a heck of a lot better chance of me becoming a millionaire than winning the lottery. My life is SO interesting, you are going to be waiting for my blog posts more than any teenage boy/girl has been waiting for the next Harry Potter book ;) and Finally, I think the most compelling reason why I am starting this blog is because 3) I am incredibly busy at work right now. So, naturally I turn to some sort of activity that will slow my mind numbing vocational productivity.
So, about that Fun Bobby part....well if any of you all are familiar with the show Friends, you would know that Fun Bobby made a short, but memorable appearance as Monica's boyfriend. Back track...I'm not Monica's boyfriend, I'm actually a very feminine 20-something girl trying to afford the necessities of life like cereal, Chanel, and weekend trips to Paris with my measly paycheck in a job where I frequently work nights and weekends while still trying to look HOT for the men (it's a tough life). I digress.... probably because it is 11:20pm Sunday night of Labor Day weekend and I just put in an 8 hour day at work (Sometimes I wish I wasn't born with this genious brain, then I wouldn't have this "aMaZiNg" job that my parents rave about. The MRS degree sounds better and better each day kids, if any of you are reading this and have yet to declare a major). Okay, so my ramblings are related to the fact that I am now holding a Firefly drink because of said job (Shout out to Mitzi for introducing this genious drink to me!), the perfect remedy to any negative happenings of the day. Aaaand drumroll please, the Firefly drink is directly related to the Fun Bobby explanation, so in fact I make perfect sense by connecting everything :)
Fun Bobby, besides being Monica's boyfriend, is most memborable for being extremely fun when he is drunk and extremely dull when not. I realized that this was me on a crisp winter Sunday afternoon as my close friends and I were eating our favorite meal, pho. For me, I believe this was probably a hangover meal. One of my friends, Kristin, I believe might have been talking about a recent boy she had met who was only fun when he was drinking, aka Fun Bobby. It all hit me at once at that moment that I too was Fun Bobby. I even blurted it out in that moment to my friends, and ever since then I have been known solely as Fun Bobby. Since I am an accountant, I am a very type A, high strung person by day....which can also turn out to be an awkward person at times :) I have many odd and awkward things happen to me, much of which you will hear about and laugh about in this blog. But by night, I do love a good 750ml glass of wine. With the help of alcohol I am able to be a fun, nonaccountant socialite.